Investment property analysis calculator
Real Estae investment analysis calculator
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Real Estate property investment analysis software

REAnalyt 5.0 - Real Estate analytical companion (Comprehensive Real Estate investment analysis software and Real Estate Toolbox with 12 calculators)

This is Real Estate property investor or regular home buyer software package for cost comparing and comprehensive long term analysis of Real Estate properties. It holds all the software utilities needed for finding the property with the best return on investment.
On a top of other standard ratios this software utility incorporates mortgage payment strategy, down payment optimization and saving analysis in its analytical and computational process and, as a result, the implemented advancement delivers the most comprehensive long term investment analysis by expressing results in saving and equity values combined. Its expended functionality can be also used to examine such matters like renting vs buying home, saving money first then buying a home for its full price without a mortgage loan, buying rental property while owning a residential home and more.
Introduction to REAnalyt 5.0 provides a comprehensive guide on how to analyze Real Estate properties and find the most efficient investment. All the features of REAnalyt 5.0 are demonstrated by meticulously detailed examples inside introduction.
Furthermore, REAnalyt 5.0 includes Real Estate Toolbox with
12 calculators for home investor like Saving and Spending, Investment, Rental Income, Loan, Mortgage and Equity, Home Energy cost and more. This is $19 in value itself and distributed separately.
Appreciation rates, home values,
Real Estate market and more
Real  Estate and Mortgage calculator
Real  Estate investment. Rates.
Real Estate and rental properties.
Real Estate property lisings and mortgage rates
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houses and appartments for rent
Real Estate toolbox with 12 calculators


REAnalyt 2.0 - Real Estate Toolbox (12 calculators: Home Investor tools: Mortgage, Loan, Saving, Spending, Energy, Transport, etc.)

Toolbox offered here holds 12 very useful utilities for estimating home carrying costs and for projecting future balances in order to compare Real Estate properties by immediate and long term performances in advance. The use of these calculators can be expanded for a variety of financial applications. For instance, Toolbox calculators can be utilized for saving and retirement planning, finding the most effective solution with mortgage payment strategy, evaluating loan payments, projecting monetary investment results, calculating rental income, analyzing rental property performance on a long run and more. Toolbox also contains utilities for home carrying expense computation like home owner's insurance, home energy cost, home maintenance and repair cost, water bill and more.
Furthermore, this package included Rental income calculator which is $12 in value itself and distributed separately. This calculator takes all possible operating and financial costs in consideration in order to generate a report with multiple data tables on property performance. On a top of standard ratios this software utility incorporates mortgage payment strategy, down payment amount optimization and saving analysis in its analytical and computational process.
Rental property investment analysis software


REAnalyt 4.0 - Rental income calculator (Home Investor software for rental property long term investment analysis)

This outstanding software utility has been developed originally to assist REAnalyt 5.0 in estimating rental income and comparing rental properties on a long run. It takes all possible operating and financial costs in consideration in order to generate a report with multiple data tables on property performance. On a top of standard ratios this software utility incorporates mortgage payment strategy, down payment amount optimization and saving analysis in its analytical and computational process and, as a result, the implemented advancement delivers the most comprehensive long term investment analysis by expressing results in saving and equity values combined.
Furthermore, Rental income calculator offers even a few more extra analytical features like finding out when it makes a sense to take a mortgage loan instead of purchasing investment property for its full price in cash or what to expect from investment property performance after reality model application. Rental calculator also incorporated extra utility for multiple additional balances which delivers a more comprehensive final balance value estimate. A detailed example of rental property analysis provided inside help file.
Home Investor analysis Super Game

HOME INVESTOR SUPER GAME is FREE with the purchase of any REAnalyt group software package!!!

REAnalyt 3.0 - Home Investor Super Game

This super game has been designed to assist the game player in developing advanced understanding of how to make prudent financial decisions when choosing a Real Estate property and managing personal financial assets after the home purchase. The game itself reflects the 30 year term of financial struggle for a hard working family searching for the right home to purchase at first, and then paying the home carrying costs while trying to make the best possible investment out of a left over cash. The goal here is pure pragmatic: choose the right home for purchase in order to build a good amount of equity and have enough money to save and maintain your home for retirement through a wise investment strategy. And while playing, the home investor will certainly encounter the following hardships and life like obstacles over the 30 year game cycle: investment losses, recession, job loss and, perhaps, even accident related loss or financial damage from Ponzi scam. It’s a fun way to learn a complex analytical process just by playing a computer game!!!
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